Monday, January 14, 2008

Rank 3 obtained

I managed, with the help of some really great people,(Bones, Melpomne, Noelie, Cevout, and Anjin), I completed the Rank 3 mission for Windurst.
I started in Sandy, and I managed to kill the Warchief Vatgrit in Ghelsba, after forgetting to eat food, cast enhancing magic (like blaze spikes and Enthunder), gee I must have been so dumb. Then I forgot to go back to Sandy and talk to my consulate there before I went to Bastok, so I had to ride all the way back to do it. Luckily I do have warp so I was able to get back to Bastok quick but it was such a waste of a Republic medal usage. grrrr.
Eventually we made our way to the Palborough mines and Anjin guided me to the burning circle. I have no idea how we got there! :)
We killed the seeker and the dragon quickly, without any problems. The longest part was our deciding to go in and do the thing.

After the fights Bones, Mel and Noelie helped Cevout and I get the items for the Road to Alt Urghan quest. I finished that today so now I can get to whitegate. :)

Slowly, as I play, I am getting access to more and more areas. Now to make it to level 30 and rank 4.

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