Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Macros settings

Okay I have done a couple (more than that actually) macros settings.

Here are the first two
/ma "Cure"
/equip ring1 "Tranquility Ring"
/equip ring2 "Tranquility Ring"

/ma "Dia"
/equip ring1 "Tranquility Ring"
/equip ring2 "Tranquility Ring"
/wait 6
/ma "Paralyze"

/ma "Bind"
/equip ring1 "Eremite's Ring"
/equip ring2 "Eremite's Ring"
/wait 6
/ma "Poison"

/ma "Stone"
/equip ring1 "Eremite's Ring"
/equip ring2 "Eremite's Ring"
/wait 6
/ma "Aero"

That is just a few I have set up. I am trying to keep any combined spells of the same type of magic to minimize the equipment change. I am sure I should just have them one spell at a time, but the enfeebles I am trying to keep together more. Since Red Mage is good with Enfeebles they are my most important, and I am trying to read up on which ones are used the most. I am sure I should sit down and make a party set, and a solo set. Some people use White magic spells, enfeebling on one palet, and Nuking spells on another one too. I am not sure I am so good a scrolling through my macros, since I have trouble with the cure macros working in party fights even. If someone can tell me how to target when engaged with the enemy let me know. The best I could come up with is I need to not be fighting but standing farther back.

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